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How to Set Photography Types
Updated over 6 months ago


We know there are many photography types that you all offer your clients. Extending our initial list of options was a hot request from many of you. So with that, we’re excited to share with you the ability to include additional photography types to your clients via Picsello. Birth, Branding, Cake Smash, Pets, Seniors, and Sports!

The additional photography types can easily be added to your account, opening up default packages and questionnaire templates you can use for inspiration or create your own. Now, leads and future clients will have greater insight into the breadth of sessions you offer.

You can easily get these turned on by following the detailed steps below:

Step-by-Step: Selecting Your Photography Types

Step 1:

From your Picsello dashboard, you can select the “Packages” tab or go to “Settings” in the sidebar navigation and then select “Packages”.

Step 2:

Using the sidebar menu of photography types, you can select “Edit photography types” to adjust those showing or to add any new types to your Picsello account.

Step 3:

In the pop-up modal, you will see the list of those photography types you have available in your Picsello account, and then can scroll to the bottom to see those that are disabled.

Click on a photography type you would like to enable in your account. In this instance, “Birth” is selected.

Step 4:

You can choose to enable that photography type for your business if you would like to review the default package or questionnaire templates we’ve included. You can always review, edit to customize, or make your own. Enabling your business allows you to see these in your account exclusively.

If you would like to offer the photography type to leads and potential clients via your Picsello Lead Form or Public Profile, you will want to select “Show photography type on your public profile and contact form.”

Select “Save” to continue.

Step 5:

If you would like to review the default packages we’ve created for the photography type, select “Yes” or “No” as appropriate. Again, you will have the opportunity to duplicate edit, and customize those default packages.

If you change your mind and decide you don’t need the default package templates, you can always archive them via actions.

Step 6:

Now you will see the three default packages we’ve created for the photography type. These package prices are set based on the information you provided upon sign-up including if you are running your photography business full or part-time, and what state you live in.

The eyeball icon shows you that “Birth” will show as a photography type on your contact form, and then you can choose to show or hide across each of the individual package types.

Step 7:

With the photography types appropriately enabled in your account, you’ll want to take some additional time to:

  • Go through and finalize your specific Packages for the additional photography types

  • Edit or customize the accompanying Questionnaire for each photography type

  • Decide if there are any specific edits you wish to make for the additional photography types within your existing Picsello account Contract(s)

  • Spend some time going reviewing and customizing your Email Automations for the additional photography types

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