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Troubleshooting - Packages
Troubleshooting - Packages

Common questions regarding Packages

Updated over 6 months ago

Here are some common questions we have seen with Packages that we hope can help you learn more about how Packages work within Picsello.

The Package I want isn't showing with the Lead!

"Help! My Packages aren't showing when I am putting together a booking proposal"

Your Packages in Picsello are dynamic and tied to the Job Type. It is likely that you simply need to change the Job Type for your Package.

So head to the packages section of your app within Settings.

Here you will be able to see what Packages you have for each Job Type.

If you want your Package to be available for all Job Types, simply select edit and change the Job Type to Global.

This will change your Package to be visible to all Job types!


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