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Managing Jobs in Picsello
Managing Jobs in Picsello

Learn how to effectively manage your photography jobs to grow your business.

Updated over 5 months ago

Managing your jobs in Picsello is simple and helps keep your workflow organized and efficient. Here’s how you can keep track of your jobs and update their statuses:

Job Status Overview

Active Jobs

A job will remain active until you manually mark it as complete or archive the job.

Completing Jobs

When you mark a job complete, it means you’ve finished the shoot and delivered the gallery to your client. Please note: Marking a job as complete does not restrict your client’s access to their images. They can still view their gallery and order prints.

Archiving Jobs

Archiving a job will remove client access to the gallery. This option is perfect for when you want to prevent further image viewing or orders. If you prefer to allow access for a limited time, you can adjust the expiration date for the gallery directly in the app.

Sorting and Filtering Job

To keep your job page organized, navigate to the Jobs section of the app. You can sort and filter your jobs by:

Active: Jobs you’re currently working on or have not yet marked as complete.

Completed: Jobs where the shoot and gallery delivery are done, but clients still have gallery access.

Overdue: Jobs where the payment is overdue.

Archived: Jobs where the client no longer has access to the gallery.

You also can filter jobs by job type, shoot date too.

If sometimes you just quickly need to pull up a client's job, head to the search bar and type in your clients name!

By staying on top of managing your jobs and updating their statuses, you ensure that your job page reflects the most relevant and up-to-date information, making it easier to focus on your current tasks!

Managing Individual Jobs

When you're in the Your Jobs section of your Picsello account, you can click on the title of the jobs and view the job details.

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing your photo jobs.  Choose client.

Overview Tab

The job overview page provides a snapshot of everything associated with the job, for example:

  • Lead has accepted your proposal

  • Contract has been signed

  • Questionnaire has been answered (as applicable)

  • Payment(s) made based on payment schedule

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing your photography jobs.  Job overview.

The Jobs page contains a lot of information that you can utilize throughout the stages of a job, to track progress and eventually complete the job.

  • Type of photography package

  • Price and payments

  • Email messages

  • Proposal details

  • Photo session details

  • History of job activity

Actions Pulldown

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing your photography jobs using the "actions" menu.

At the top right of the "Jobs" page, you can take advantage of the "actions" pulldown to quickly send an email to your client, edit the job name, archive*, or complete* the job.

*Complete job

  • Use "complete job" once the shoot has been completed, you have delivered your client gallery and there aren't any payments outstanding for the original proposal.

  • Your client will still be able to access their gallery assuming the expiration date has noted transpired.

*Archive job

  • This should only be used in situations when your client decides not to move forward with booking or the shoot needs to be canceled.

  • If you need to reimburse your client in whole or part, you may want to go the the job Finances before electing to Archive Job as there is a very easy way to access your client payment through your Stripe account. For more on how to reimburse your client via Stripe, click here.


The type of photography package associate with a job is listed at the top of the overview.


Messages exchanged between you and your client will display in the inbox section. You can also compose emails directly from this section.

Proposal Details

In the Proposal Details section of the job, you will have access to the following:

  • Client Payment & Booking Portal

  • Invoices

  • Contract

  • Questionnaire

Photoshoot Details

The date, time, and location of the photo session will display on the right side of the overview section.


The Finances section provides a quick glance at the amount paid and owed. You can also view and download invoices from this section.

Activity History

In the Activity History section you can see account activity including payments, signed contract and questionnaire, and corresponding dates.

Galleries Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing your photo galleries.  Click "Actions" to view orders and edit digital pricing & credits.

Manage Your Galleries

The Manage Your Galleries section gives you an overview of the photo galleries associated with the job and provides access to the following:

  • View gallery

  • Add another gallery

  • View orders

  • Edit digital pricing and credits

Package Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  "Packages" tab.

Manage Your Package

Under the Package tab, you will see the package details associated with the job:

  • Name of package

  • Package price

The pricing column outlines the cost of the photography package, cost per image, the number of digital images that are included at no additional charge, and other details you've designated for this package. Click "edit" to the right of the package section to make any changes.

Automations Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  "Automations" tab.

Client Communications: Email

Under the automations tab, you can take advantage of a video walkthrough with prompts which describe how personalized email automations work.

Automations make it easier for you to manage communications with your clients pre and post photoshoot. Adjust timing, start, stop, edit, and version emails for the photography types you offer. That is right - email automation sequences can be customized for your specific business workflow and client needs!

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  Client communication email.

  • Jobs: Emails

    • Click "preview" on the right of the "Jobs" section to see the branded email that your clients received

    • You can use the pulldown under the "Jobs" section to see a history of emails:

      • View previously sent emails

      • View upcoming emails with the option to edit

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  View upcoming and sent emails.

  • Gallery Email Notification Emails

    • You can use the pulldown under "Galleries" section to see gallery notification emails:

      • Click "preview", on the right, to see the branded email associated with each notification

      • Under each email, you can click the pulldown to see more information, edit the email, and start the email sequence

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  Gallery email notification emails.

Documents Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  "Documents" tab.

Under the "documents" tab, you can manage and view all of your photography documents for a job in one place! At the bottom of the documents section, you can upload additional files you want to associate with this job.

To see what the client sees when they receive each of these documents, simply click on "view":

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  Client view of photo job documents.

Finances Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  "Finances" tab.

Under the "Finances" tab, you will see the amount paid and the amount pending for a specific photography session. From the right side of the screen, you can easily view or download an invoice.

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography job finances.  Actions pulldown to go to Stripe billing or mark job as paid.

Picsello makes it easy to send reminders to your photography clients regarding unpaid balances or other financial details. Click on "Send reminder" and an email window will open for your convenience.

Use the "Actions" pulldown to go to your Stripe billing account or to mark the job as paid.

  • One reason you might want to "Go to Stripe" is to reimburse a client. You can learn more about reimbursements by visiting these instructions.

Notes Tab

Welcome to Picsello, all-in-one photography software for professional photographers.  Managing photography jobs.  "Notes" tab.

The final tab on the "Jobs" page is for private notes.

  • Private notes can be used to retain details about the job or client that you may want to reference at a later date.

With Picsello's "Jobs" section, you can streamline the organization of your photo sessions, details, and business management efforts, consolidating everything in a single platform! There has never been a better way to efficiently and successfully manage your photography business!

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