When you first begin using Picsello, you may have some outstanding jobs that were created outside of Picsello. You can import these job details so that you can accurately track and schedule these jobs.
To import an existing job, do the following steps:
Head to theJobs section of the app
Click the Import an existing job button.
Click Next to the right of Import a job
Enter the client's information and the type of photography session for this job, then click Next
Enter the package and any payments collected and click Next
Enter any remaining payments due, then click Save
Enter any existing documents (existing contracts, questionnaires you have), then click Save
Once it's saved, you'll be taken to the created job on the Jobs page
The job can then be managed just like any other
If you need help uploading all of your contacts, we can help you! Check out this article to find out how!
If you want to pull all of your jobs in progress into a spreadsheet, we have put together a template for you! Click here to use.