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Currency Customization

Edit your Picsello account setting to bill clients in your native currency.

Updated over 6 months ago


  • Easily reset your currency from the default of USD so your clients are billed – and you are paid in your native currency.

  • Once customized, your native currency will be updated in existing package prices and any new proposals created for clients as well as in all email communications with your clients. Note, any active jobs, with proposals created, approved, and in progress will continue to remain in USD.


Step 1: Go to Finances tab.

Select Settings via the sidebar navigation and then select Payments

Step 2: Go to the Currency section

You will see USD selected as that is the currency default for Picsello. If you haven’t already, you can confirm that your currency is supported via Stripe.

If supported, proceed with selecting Edit.

Note, if your currency and country is not supported, reach out to Customer Success for additional information on how Picsello can work for you.

Step 3: Entering your currency

Enter the three-letter currency code in the field to search for your native currency. Select and Save before closing.

Step 4: Review and adjust your package pricing

Select Package Templates from the sub-navigation in Your Settings.

All packages in your account including the Picsello defaults your account came with and any potential new ones you have created will now reflect your native currency, using the current exchange rate from USD. Review and edit all package and digital image prices to potentially round up or down in instances where the USD exchange rate results in less than whole dollars, euros, etc.

  • Verify all pricing reflect your native currency or make note of any errors with a screenshot.

For example:

Initial price converting from USD to Euro:

Adjustment to a whole number in Euro:

Package price: €4,374.95

Digital image price: €45.10/ea

Package price: €4,375.00

Digital image price: €45.00/each

Step 5: Review and adjust your digital image pricing

Go to Galleries to review and adjust your global digital image prices. As noted above with Packages, round up or down in instances where the USD exchange rate results in less than whole dollars for your native currency.

Select Settings.

And then select Digital Pricing to adjust the Single, per image and then buy them all packages. Verify your native currency is reflected or make note of any errors with a screenshot.

Congratulations, you have now successfully set-up your Picsello account to bill in you native currency!


There are a few things to keep in mind when resetting your currency and using your Picsello account:

  • If you had existing jobs before customizing your currency, those jobs and any outstanding payments will remain in USD; only new proposals and jobs created from today forward will reflect your native currency.

  • It is important that you review the package and digital image pricing in your Packages and Global Gallery Settings to ensure you’ve accounted for any rounding up and down you may need to do based on the current exchange rate.

  • Finally, the dates are consistent with the US format of Month/Day/Year. Accordingly, a shoot scheduled for September 16, 2023, would be represented numerically as 9/16/23.

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