When you first begin using Picsello, you may have some outstanding jobs that were created outside of Picsello. You can import these job details into your Picsello account so that you can accurately track and schedule these jobs.
Let's get started importing an existing job!
Import Existing Job
To create your own custom payment schedule, go to "Jobs" and then click on the "Import Existing Job" button.
Click "Next" to the right of "Import a Job".
Job Details
Enter the job details, and click "Next'.
Package Details
Enter your "Package Details": Title and image turnaround time
Enter pertinent information under the tabs:
"Shoot Details"
Click "Add Shoot" and enter details
Add title, date, duration, and location
"Package & Pricing Details" (2nd image)
Use to create your custom payment schedule
Enter your final monetary details to create your custom invoice
Custom Invoice
Click "Next" to add Custom Invoice details:
"Import Existing Job: Documents"
Upload any documents you previously shared with your client and click "Save"
Style Guide
List of Photos and Guests
Congratulations! You have imported a photography job into your Picsello account!