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2-way Calendar Sync

2-way Calendar Sync between your Picsello and external calendar.

Updated over 6 months ago


Managing all of the things on your professional and personal calendars can feel like a full-time job in itself. Make that a thing of the past by connecting your Picsello and external calendar.

Some of the ways Picsello's 2-way Calendar Sync will help:

  • Avoid Schedule Conflicts: You can avoid schedule conflicts and double bookings between your photography and personal calendars.

  • Comprehensive, Consolidated View of Calendar Details: You will be able to sync your external calendar events within your Picsello calendar and vice versa for easy, streamlined views.

  • Maximize Client Booking 2.0: Taking advantage of both features will ensure you have control of your calendar, can set your availability, and clients can efficiently self-book photoshoots.



Access your Calendar from your dashboard through "View calendar", selecting "Calendar" in the sidebar navigation or going to "Settings".


Select the Connect Calendar button to begin setting up for 2-way Calendar Sync.

To avoid any confusion or duplication of calendar entries, if you currently subscribe to your Picsello calendar (1-way Calendar Sync) we do recommend removing it if you plan to use the same external calendar.


A modal will pop up where you will need to confirm you would like to Sync Calendars.

Advanced Settings:

If the email you used to log into your calendar is different than your email provider you will have to select "Advanced Settings".

For example, if you’re trying to connect your Apple Calendar and you’ve created your Apple ID with Gmail or another email provider, the automatic email detection will wrongly assume you are connecting a Gmail Calendar rather than Apple Calendar.

To solve for this, click “Advanced settings” and choose what your actual calendar provider is. (For example, you’ll want to pick Apple to override the auto detection of Gmail).

This scenario will work for other email and calendar platforms as well.


Add the email address with which your calendar is affiliated and select Log in.

And then reconfirm the email provider, selecting the Sign in button.

Enter the password associated with your email and calendar account then select Next.

Note: Google users, if you receive the following warning,

select Advanced. Our application has been submitted

through Google and is simply pending in their system.


Nylas Quickstart is the API that we use to enable the 2-way Calendar Sync. You will need to check the boxes to select what Nylas can have access to in your account and then select Continue.


Select all the external calendar events you want to be reflected on your Picsello account calendar. Also, confirm where Picsello calendar events will be synced in your external calendar. Once complete, select Save and you will see the pop-up in the upper right-hand corner.

If you need to disconnect and re-sync to another calendar at some point, you can disconnect using the Disconnect button.


Return to your calendar and you should see an alert that Calendar Sync Connected in the upper lefthand side of your screen and then all your external calendar events populate. Scroll through a few months to verify and then do the same on your external calendar to verify you are seeing your Picsello bookings there as well.


2-way Calendar Sync will make managing your Picsello and personal calendars so much easier, ensuring you can avoid conflicts and maximize your time.

Client Booking 2.0 will further enhance the value of 2-way Calendar Sync feature. This update aims to streamline your scheduling process, eliminating the tediousness of managing your schedule on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, while empowering your clients to book time with you at their convenience.

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