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Global Gallery Settings

How do I set my global gallery settings?

Updated over a year ago

Global Gallery Settings allow you to configure your gallery expiration date, watermark, product settings, and digital pricing at a global level.

You also have the flexibility to make adjustments to these settings at the lead, package, and job level for nuanced situations.

Configure Global Gallery Settings

You can update your global gallery settings in a couple of places -

  • You can navigate to the Global Gallery settings in the settings tab.

  • Alternatively, if you are in the Gallery section of Picsello, you can update your Global Settings by clicking the Settings gear button in the upper-right corner of the page.

Expiration Date

Click Expiration Date from the left menu. Select the number of days, months, and years after the shoot date by which you would like your galleries to expire, then click Save.

  • Alternatively, you can check so that your galleries will never expire if you prefer.

  • The box next to New galleries will never expire must be unchecked to set a custom expiration date.


Click Watermark from the left menu. Customize your personal watermark using either your brand logo or type only, then click Save.

  • For Text watermarks, we recommend using the name of your photography business, or at the very least "do not print"

  • Your watermark will be applied to all new gallery album images

  • For Best Practices on Watermarking your images read this article

Protecting your images with a watermark is a very important step to ensure your content is protected from being stolen, used, or altered without your permission. While you will set the number of digital downloads your client will be able to select, you want to apply a watermark that can protect other images from being screenshotted or downloaded using developer tools and used without your permission.

Product Settings and Prices

Click Product Settings & Prices from the left menu. Choose to enable (or disable) product and product preview for Prints, Custom Albums, Wall Art, and Press-Printed Cards. Simply use the toggle associated with each to set it accordingly.

Want to learn more about editing prices and setting your product pricing markups? Click here to learn more.

Digital Pricing

Click Digital Pricing from the left menu. You have the flexibility to adjust the Single Image price and the Buy them all price. Carefully consider prices that make sense for you and your business - as well as your clients.

  • The default prices we've provided are our base recommendations, but you know your clients and business best.

  • Keep in mind you can always override these prices at the lead, package, or job level.

Final Notes

  • Be sure to review the WHCC print product pricing to ensure you have all your ducks in a row.

  • Make sure to triple-check Stripe to ensure you are collecting sales tax, if not just include Sales Tax in the final price.

  • Enabling product setting previews and sales is a great way to subtly upsell to your client. And the best part for you is how effortlessly you can earn a profit on each product sale.

  • All global gallery settings can be adjusted on an individual gallery basis if changes are needed for a specific client or job within either the gallery itself or the package

  • If you make changes at a global level, while printed products and digital image prices will be reflected on all of your galleries (existing and new), the other settings for the watermark, expiration date, and enabling your product upsells will not apply to existing galleries.

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