We try to make Picsello as automated as possible but sometimes there is a need for a little more tracking on your computer or having something physical you can print out and put pen to paper so we wanted to provide you with some examples that you can use!
Client Tracker
If you love to track clients in much more detail than your CRM allows, here is the Client Tracker spreadsheet I used. Please make a copy and save as new - that way you can customize it as you wish!
Please note, I did include a tab for in progress, historical (I like to move them when I am done to historical - you don't have to but I like to make sure I have done it all), a tab for guidance on auto responses for your email, social and website coming with automations. You will also see the list of emails that you will be able to tailor and automate with Picsello if you wished!
Culling Log
Culling can take over your life but I like to have a process (and a formula for my shoots) to help my culling and making sure I have a balanced shoot.
*if you are a newborn or family photographer this one is prefilled so you can see my madness!
Post Production Log
Here is my post production log that truly helps remind me to post things to social media and save the files in the correct place! I have these as a Google Sheet and a Google Doc (I like to print them out and have on a clipboard by my desk - love crossing things off!)
PreShoot CheckList
Last but not least, if you are like me and need a checklist for your shoot because well I may have forgotten my camera one time, definitely head to our Pre Shoot Checklist so you can download our checklist there!